The week of Evangeline.

Tuesday, January 22nd, we went in for a prenatal check-up, two days before my due date, only to learn our baby did a complete turn and was now sitting in a breech presentation. We were surprised and not exactly happy. As soon as the doctor mentioned ‘external aversion’ my heart sank even further. We tried this with our 3rd child, our son, and it was painful and unsuccessful. He later turned on his own, and we avoided a C-section.

Then an amazing thing happened. Our doctor started to speak words of faith that he believed God would enable him to turn our baby. He prayed with us. Other people prayed for the procedure to work. And it did! I came home from the hospital determined to keep the baby in the proper presentation for birth.

Friday came around, and it was time for another prenatal check-up. Unbelievably, baby was now transverse, and I was post-due. The lovely Velcro brace I wore all week wasn’t enough to keep baby in position. Our doctor was not comfortable letting us go home with baby in an unstable position, and recommended doing the aversion again and then immediately inducing labor. This time the aversion wasn’t as bad, since he didn’t have as far to turn her. But he held tightly onto her head as he broke the membranes so she wouldn’t bounce around again!

I really laughed when the nurse (coincidentally named Hope) asked me what my birth plan was. I had one of these typed out with our firstborn, gung-ho and ready to do everything naturally and on my own terms. Whoever came up with the idea of a ‘birth-plan’ must not have experienced actual child-birth. It doesn’t often go as planned. Being induced has never been part of my plan, yet three out of five babies were. Childbirth is like anything else in life, its walking by faith. The one thing I did differently this time around was prepare myself by meditating on these passages of scripture the week of my due date. Then I had them ready for my ‘Coach’ to read them to me for strengthening and focus during labor. This was the best part of my labor and birth experience. God’s presence was very real to me that night.

The labor was long, hard, and lasted all night and into the next day. About 19 hours total. It was the most beautiful and exciting thing to finally hear the doctor say “it’s a…..girl!” Evangeline Noël was born on my birthday, January 26, at 11:57am. What a beautiful, sweet, and rewarding birthday gift. Her name means ‘bearer of good news’ which we found to be both appropriate and prophetic in the season our family is now walking into. Noël because I often called her my ‘peace child’ through this very tumultuous year of transition, change, and uncertainty. And here she is:

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Making Progress?

I recruited my husband’s (and oldest daughter’s) help making a “Graciousness Chart” and wow! Its like an architectural grid! No cutesy flowers and colors like I would’ve done. I love it. This 30-Day Challenge has already prompted discussions about privacy issues, how we speak to adults, how we treat our elders, manners at meal fellowships (church events), and gratefulness. The kids are motivated and excited.

As a parent is it so difficult sometimes to train our kids in the multitude of skills and character traits they need for a life serving the Lord. This 30-Day Challenge in Graciousness gives us much-needed focus and also a measurable goal, something that is often lacking in parenting!

How are you doing? What areas of manners, politeness, and graciousness have come up in your family?

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

30-Day Challenge: Training Gracious Kids

I’ve noticed most of my time spent mediating between my kids is due to simple neglect in courtesy. Neglecting to say, “May I play with your …. (iron man, doll, bouncy ball, etc). Or a loud “MOVE!” instead of “Excuse me, please.” Sometimes its forgetting to knock on the bathroom door before entering, which always causes a great commotion. This one is especially important if we go to South Africa, as the bathroom doors there don’t have locks!

This neglect is failing to follow what Jesus called the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Sounds simple enough! Now the difficult part is realizing much of the ‘tone’ of our house is due to me barking orders or commanding attention. I’m not always the most polite, sweet parent…I have to get their attention, after all! So the challenge for me is to learn a way of communication that still commands attention but is also polite and gracious. As parents, we are the model for our children, and our desire is to reflect Christ in every aspect of our parenting.

So we are embarking on our next 30-day Challenge. I’m making a stamp chart, and whenever I hear a please, thank-you, excuse me, may I, yes mom, or another gracious word, that child gets a stamp by their name. At the end of the 30 days, we’ll evaluate everyone’s progress and celebrate with a family fun night.

Who’s in on this with us???

What Unexpected Adventure Awaits?

I want to sit down with each of you, right now, with a cup of coffee or sweet tea or yerba mate or whatever it is you drink. Everyone have something in hand?

I have some news to share. I’d rather wait until we have the real cup of coffee, face-to-face, instead of virtual one, but we all know how fast news spreads around these days, and I want you to hear it from me first.

In April, God started to stir up a strong desire in my (and my husband’s) heart to ask him about returning to the mission field. We began a season of intense fasting and prayer, asking him what he has for us. This is not the first time we’ve done this, by the way. Several times before, we’ve asked God about going into missions and he’s said stay. So our hearts were prepared for for the same answer.

An interesting thing happened. The day after our fast ended, we recieved an invitation for a very desirable and well-suited position on the mission field, in Israel. Immediately, our hearts lept and wanted to say yes! But instead we asked for counsel and prayer from our spiritual leaders, and asked the Lord for a double-confirmation from his word.

The next week, another invitation came, for a similar position but in South Africa.

Then God spoke to Gert Isaiah 30:17-21. The double-confirmation we asked for, as this passage has special meaning to my husband. Our prayer partners came back and said ‘yes.’

I cannot convey to you the joy and release we felt at this point. We’ve been married for 11 years, and always assumed we would raise our family on the mission field. But God has led us on a different journey in the States, which has been filled with relationships and experiences I will treasure forever. It has been a privilege and joy to pastor a church, we have grown more through this experience than I thought possible. Our children have enjoyed the privildge of living in the abundance of the United States. I have been thoroughly equipped to mother and homeschool my children, thanks to co-ops and godly friends. My husband has found a vocation as a paramedic which he is passionate about. It will be an incredible asset on any mission field. God has been so gracious and good to us.

The hard part comes now, in telling our dear friends and family, that we are leaving. Much sadness and tears is to come as we let go and say goodbye. It never gets easier to say goodbye. The sacrifice is great, for those who stay and for those who go.

My comfort and solace is this, from the book of Hebrews: All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted they were aliens and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country- a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he had prepared a city for them.

Our days on earth are numbered, but our days in heaven are not. If we share the fellowship of being called children of God, we will have all of eternity to be together in a far superior home. If we can live our lives with purpose, investing in eternity, it makes the sacrifice of saying goodbye worth it.

We do not have the final confirmation of where to go, although we are leaning heavily towards South Africa. We can be fruitful there, training and discipling new students and missionaries. And our children are African-American, right? It will be a blessing for them to experience the other part of their heritage and culture. Many of Gert’s family have not even met all of our children.

From the bottom of our hearts, we love you. I want to make the most of the time we have left in the States. We ask for your prayers as we make decisions, transition into a missions lifestyle, and begin an international move as a (soon-to-be) family of 7.

With love,


Guess What?

I have a little surprise. I’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to announce our pregnancy to you! Since we told the kids, the dental hygienist, swimming instructor, and cashier at the grocery store now know, and I figured you, my dear friends and family should know too (if my children haven’t already beat me to it)!

After a difficult loss in October, I was a little skeptical and unenthusiastic about getting pregnant again. April 30th would’ve been the perfect day to have a baby. But I understand that God’s ways are not our ways, and his thoughts are higher than ours. I can trust his plan is perfect.

I’m 12 weeks along, and the due date is January 24th…2 days before my birthday. Do you think I can get a carrot cake in the hospital? 😉

The best news for me is that my old OB/GYN is now practicing OB again! It was like visiting an old friend. She remembered my first two pregnancies, my husband, and the story of our lives. I am so thankful for a believing, female doctor.

I am gratefully not feeling well at all (meaning hormone levels are high), so if you see me hunched over looking pinched and tired its because the heat has sapped the last ounce of energy and motivation I have.

We are blessed to receive this child and can’t wait to meet him or her in January! Oh wait, with my track record it could be mid-February. Here’s to hoping for an earlier delivery.

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.


While tucking in my 3-year-old for her nap today, in-between tickles and kisses and drinks and stern ‘now you settle downs’ I’m certain I heard God speak to me. Only I couldn’t quiet the noise in my head and in the room long enough to really think on why he is speaking, and why he said what he did. Of all the things I pray about, dream about, and sometimes worry about, he chooses not to answer my questions or prayers but instead to sear a picture of his love in my mind. For me to retrieve later on.

Because as I look at G, and again was overwhelmed at how much I love this blond, blue-eyed little girl, I saw in her face my own image. I love her because she came from me, she grew within me, she looks like me, imitates my actions and speech, and I have invested my entire life into her. She is made in my image, in a sense.

When God looks at us, he sees his own image. After all, we are created in his image. He didn’t fashion us into a creative body of an animal, with stripes and wild colors and fur. We resemble our creator, we have his DNA, his features, his capacity for all things Spirit-inspired. He invested his most precious possession to us. He gave himself in the form of Christ, he sacrificed greatly, like we know many parents do.

Not to be confused with being equal to God. We cannot be. Yet we are made in his image. And his heart pounds wildly with love for us. He loves us! He loves to look at our faces. He knows our weaknesses, yet he loves us in spite of them.

While my husband is away for yet another 48 hrs, I have a strong sense that the Lord is here taking care of us. He sent someone our way to finally investigate the scurrying in our roof, and I’m thrilled to know the bats(!) will soon be evicted. Living smack in the middle of a gigantic, humid, oak forest we battle a new critter each year. Just like my 3-year-old delights us with spontaneous displays of affection, God chose to interrupt my ordinary life and thoughts today with a beautiful picture of his love. And just like any good father, took care of a practical need too.

What is a Daniel Fast?

As someone who enjoys eating, I first saw the Daniel Fast as sort of a cop-out. To me, the idea of a fast is to totally deny your flesh the pleasure and satisfaction of food and instead rely on the Word of God as daily ‘Bread.’ Eating anything just seemed a little too easy. But as I considered this fast, the more the Holy Spirit has been challenging me with my mindset. Our family is on a journey to better health, but I believe like anything, the implications are not just physical, they are spiritual too.

“In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.” Daniel 10:2, 3

Simply put, a Daniel Fast is a biblically-based partial fast that includes a diet of vegetables, fruit, and whole grains. It abstains from meat, dairy, sweeter of any kind, yeast, and any beverage except water.

A year ago, my husband and I did a Daniel Fast but did not include whole grain. I’ve since learned why fruits and grains are allowed when the Bible says Daniel ate only vegetables and drank water. The early translations (including KJV) use the word pulse instead of vegetables. That word is rightly translated as “foods grown from seed.” Therefore, the Daniel Fast includes fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

If you are adept at reading between the lines, you will see this means… coffeeeee…….

If we are a bit grouchy, groggy, spacey, or otherwise seem impaired in the next few days, please excuse us and remind me the headaches will soon go away. I am not looking forward to caffeine withdrawals!

But I am eager to draw near to the Lord, seek his presence in our lives more, and to wean myself off unhealthy habits. As mothers, it is a great challenge to continue to run the race marked out for us.  There are no false pretenses with raising children. It is hard, dirty, sometimes unrewarding, overwhelming work. When my children argue with each other, are disobedient or whining, I feel like a complete failure. Just being honest here. But the Lord is near! He is ordaining moments to reach their hearts. To speak words of life, calling, purpose, and character into their spirits.

Our oldest daughters were baptized today. Their spiritual journey begins. I am anticipating the presence of God in their lives more and more, and I can’t wait to see how God will speak to them! I am asking God to change me, to renew my spirit, through this time of fasting.

We will be studying the life of Daniel during the next 3 weeks. This website has been especially helpful and encouraging with practical and spiritual application to the Daniel Fast (definitions taked from):

Also, this blog:

Celebrating a Life

My blog has been quiet lately. My heart is not. A mighty woman went home to be with the Lord last week. My Grandmother Mary swiftly passed from this life to the next, arousing a multitude of people whose lives she touched. Her 8 children flew in to Williston, North Dakota from all corners of the country to say goodbye. She left behind 21 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren, whom she prayed for by name every night. I am grateful she met each of our children. Memories are precious. Often while creating them we don’t realize the fleeting nature of life…’the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever’ (Isaiah 40:8).

I will remember my Grandmother’s laugh most of all. Like the peal of  bells. I often wondered what life was like for her, raising 8 children, 5 of them boys. Reading between the lines in stories told at family reunions and family emails, I gather those boys got into more than their fair share of mischief. How did she get supper on the table, every night for all those children? And laundry? Somehow my Grandmother raised each of them to share godly values, a steadfast work ethic, and rich character. What was it like to be widowed with young children still at home?

‘She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.’

I never heard my Grandmother speak a harsh word to anyone. Wait, I take that back. The only harsh word spoken was to the poor telemarketers who happened upon her number in the early Arkansas evening. Those poor unfortunate souls. Her humor and faith undoubtedly carried her through many storms and trials in life.

‘Her children arise and call her blessed.’

One can be successful in careers, investing, academics, notoriety, doing good for mankind, but unless you have your children’s hearts I would count everything else a loss. Paul takes it a step further. ‘What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.’

Love for God and love for each other, two things that will not rust, fade, or be eaten away. Eternal value, eternal life. Which is why we celebrate the life of Mary.

photo of old farmhouse from:

What’s In a Name?

We sold our car a couple of weeks ago, and the celebration lasted about 60 seconds until I remembered we have no back-up vehicle until we save enough money to pay CASH for a second car! So our family of 6 has been enjoying many sunrises lately as we all pile in our one vehicle at 6am to take my husband to work. I wish my kids were old enough to stay at home by themselves, but alas, 4 more years til my oldest can babysit!

The sunrises are the unexpected blessing. Today the dogwood trees, in full bloom, looked like snow on the rolling Ozark hills. Driving home, I felt the Lord speak to me about naming our homeschool. I was homeschooled just one year, in the 3rd grade, and I remember my mom carefully choosing a name and a logo for our school. St. Francis of Assisi Homeschool. That was the best year of my school-age life.

A name should be meaningful, don’t you agree? My husband and I spent hours considering and praying about what each of our children should be named. Some names required waiting for the right child to be born! Others (our son) were not named until we saw his red face in the hospital. I finally let my husband decide because we couldn’t come to an agreement. His is the only South-African name in the bunch, which seemed fitting since he was born there and is our only son.

One of our first memory verses last year was Psalm 1.

Blessed is the man

who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked…

…but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.

He is like a tree planted by streams of water,

which yields its fruit in season

and whose leaf does not wither.

Whatever he does prospers.


Another meaningful verse to us is Isaiah 61:1-3

…”they will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.”


So our name is…..get ready…..

Deep Roots Homeschool (or Deep Roets??)

Haha no big surprise, right! I am amazed that the Lord took one of my fears and is turning it into a strength. I feared my kids would struggle with identity, since my husband and I are from two different continents and cultures. The opposite has happened. We are creating a strong family identity, which I think every young couple needs to do. Leaving and cleaving is part of it! We don’t have any extended family nearby, which is definitely difficult but has strengthened our sense of purpose and identity as a family and as husband and wife.

Our goal for our kids is to teach them to love the Lord and to build godly character in their lives. That their roots will go down deep in the Lord.  Only by his grace we can do this!


There’s something about one’s birthday that makes you stop and consider how special they are. Like anything, we are in danger of becoming overly familiar with those we love most, and it’s important to stop and reflect on the blessing that person adds to your life. Whether its your children, spouse, parent, or friend, each is a creation of unequal worth.

Our children do not belong to us. We are privileged to raise them, God has counted us trustworthy to nurture them in his ways, but we have to raise them to release them. God has plans to prosper them, and he has already written about each day of their life. He has even ordained praise from their lips!

Our children are a heritage and a reward from the Lord. They are like arrows in the hands of a warrior and blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.

It needs to be said that children are not a burden! Yes, they require training, effort, sacrifice. They reveal how very self-absorbed we are. Raising children is a chance to die to self.

Each family has a differing style of celebrating birthdays. We generally have a small party with our immediate family and maybe a few friends. But the whole day is about that person. We make yogurt parfaits for breakfast and open presents first thing in the morning.

Of course the birthday cake and birthday meal fit into the day. But the culmination of the celebration is when Dad prays for that child. A father’s blessing is powerful. Even though my husband is a pastor, he is surprisingly brief when it comes to prayer. His philosophy is that we can pray for the world later, at meal time we pray over the food! But you should see each child beam when Dad comes to their place at the table, places his hands on their shoulders, and thanks God for the growth and accomplishments of the year and asks for anointing and blessing in the year to come. You will not find a bigger smile anywhere.

This year my ‘baby’ is turning 3. It is especially tender for me as our last baby would be due in about a month. But I am so thankful for the children God has given me! Celebrate your children, pray over their lives. Pray they will know the calling on their life at an early age. Pray they will love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. Pray for their spouses, that they will be men and women of God. I often find myself praying for my children’s future spouses’ parents! Knowing what a challenge it is to reflect the Fruits of the Spirit in our parenting, I certainly need all the help I can get.

So our youngest has let it be known she would like a Purple Party. I’m still deciding on what kind of cake to make her, but I just found this recipe on pinterest for Chocolate Zucchini Cupcakes that looks outstanding! Maybe with a lavender buttercream frosting. Since I happen to have sentimental, romantic feelings about lavender, we are using it as medium for ‘purple’ with this Lavender Punch. Some grape and strawberry shish kabobs and blue corn tortilla chips complete the purple menu so far. Do you have any ideas for our ‘Purple Party?’ Leave me a comment!