Give Forward


Meet the Hansen Family. Steve and Tonya with their children Samuel, Rachel, Hannah and Daniel. Tonya and I crossed paths in Nepal, when she was serving an internship for her Bible College and I was serving with Operation Mobilization. Even then, her faith and strength in the Lord inspired and encouraged me. She was living with the nationals, dealing with far more immersion into the Nepali culture than I was. Now and then, she and I and another American friend would sneak away to the tourist district of Kathmandu for a brownie fudge sundae. Somehow those brownie fudge sundaes would sooth the ache of homesickness enough to face to crowded, jostling, smelly city for yet another few weeks.

I wouldn’t have imagined what God might call Tonya to do. She is the mother of four beautiful children, two of whom have cystic fybrosis. Their lives have taked a dramatic turn as she and Steve minister to their children. We are asking God for miracles for this family. For a supernatural healing. And for a financial miracle. The medical expenses are staggering. A fund has been started for the Hansen family. If we can all donate $20, even $10 to this family, it WILL make a difference. Read their story here.

I would like to humbly ask you to prayerfully consider helping get the word out about this fund. We know that you have your own facebook network of people, churches, etc. Would you please consider sharing the link and the need to your networks, churches, prayer groups etc to give if they feel led too? It doesn’t matter the amount, as you know every penny counts and is greatly appreciated.

Again, here is the link. You can copy and paste this link into any FB post or email that you would share with your friends so people would go to their fund website.

